
Awards ceremony of the winners of “Exporter of the year” competition among small and medium business enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

On November 23rd, 2023 within the framework of the International business week the awards ceremony of the winners of “Exporter of the year” competition among small and medium business enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan took place at the Congress Hall. The Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Congress Activity of the Republic of Bashkortostan along with the Export Support Center of the Republic of Bashkortostan became organizers of the competition.

Our Company won in the nomination “Responsible exporter (ESG)” and accepted congratulations from the first Deputy Minister of Foreign Economic Relations and Congress Activity of the Republic of Bashkortostan Lena Izotova. As a part of the event, CEO of our Company Ilnar Rasimovich Asfandiyarov participated in the round-table meeting “International business affairs in new reality: challenges and prospects”, organized by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia.

Deputy Director of the International Cooperation Department of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia Arthur Galiullin took on the role of the moderator. Representatives of ministries and authorities of Russia and Bashkortostan, managers of organizations and corporations participated in the discussion. We would like to emphasize the high level of organization, as well as rich and interesting program!

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ART-Osnastka JSC is the winner of national competitions “The best goods of Bashkortostan-2023” and “The best quality management system”


ART-Osnastka JSC is the winner of the Russian competition program “100 best goods of Russia”

ART-Osnastka JSC is the winner of the Russian competition program “100 best goods of Russia”


ART-Osnastka JSC is the winner of the district stage of the “Exporter of the year” competition

ART-Osnastka JSC is the winner of the district stage of the “Exporter of the year” competition


ART-Osnastka JSC is a participant of the national project «Labor productivity» and an expert for the journal «Dobyvaushaya promyshlennost»

ART-Osnastka JSC is a participant of the national project «Labor productivity» and an expert for the journal «Dobyvaushaya promyshlennost»


Explore and create, improve and implement - become part of ART-Osnastka JSC

Explore and create, improve and implement - become part of ART-Osnastka JSC


ART-Osnastka JSC is a diploma winner of the Bashkortostan Government prize in the sphere of quality
