
Social policy

Our Company developed and incorporated an effective system of recruitment, compensation, social protection, training and personnel development.

Our Company strives to create comfortable and safe working conditions, including different support programs for our employees

Our Company carries out programs and events, aimed at creating optimal conditions for effective work of employees, providing social protection, organizing recreational and medical service. We apply great effort to provide all our workers with decent and safe working conditions.

HR management programs are aimed at forming and strengthening corporate culture, motivation according to company’s goals, creating and supporting workplace discipline, developing training and skills improvement systems for employees.

HR policy

Our guidelines


We take care of our employees and strive to become an attractive employer. Our executive management respects and values contribution of each worker.


Health and well-being of our team members are absolute top priorities. We work in compliance with the safety regulations and health protection rules, and we try to prevent environmental pollution.

Team work

Our culture is based on team work. We listen to each other and treat each other with trust and respect.


We conduct business in compliance with the principals of justice, honesty and transparency. We have obtained good reputation among our clients and partners.

Attentive attitude to personnel

ART-Osnastka is committed to recruiting, developing and keeping the best workers, so that each of them could make maximum contribution to the Company. We help them build a career and reach full potential. Our Company has over 250 highly qualified specialists, and we value each of them. We reward our employees for their contribution to the company development, hard work and proactivity. Many employees have worked at the Company for over 15 years and received an opportunity for professional and career growth.

We are committed to become the best in our field, and for this reason we care about constant development and training of our team.

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Personnel social support

Our Company provides a set of allowances and guarantees, designed to improve quality of life of the employees and their work results. Company’s management strives to create environment that facilitates work efficiency of the employees, as well as their involvement in the process. Our corporate culture and social support of the employees are one of many advantages of working at ART-Osnastka.

Moreover, our Company created work places for physically challenged individuals, thus helping physically challenged and disabled people integrate in social life.

Free dormitory or rent compensation for nonresident employees.

Company workers without accommodation can submit an application for a place in the dormitory or rent compensation.

Health resort treatment

Separate categories of employees are provided with a free health resort trip for a course of health resort treatment.


The Company cares for the health of its employees, thus every year our workers go through routine health examination. In addition to that, some categories of workers are provided with voluntary health insurance program.

Training and skills improvement

In order to ensure professional level of personnel training complying with the current and long-term business requirements our Company made a training and development system for the employees.

Financial assistance for employees in difficult straits

The Company provides financial assistance to employees with certain life circumstances, requiring material support.

Free transport to work

We provide a free crew bus from distant Ufa districts.


ART-Osnastka takes an active part in social events of the Republic of Bashkortostan and constantly provides financial assistance in the field of science, sports development and popularization of cultural values.

For many years, we have successfully collaborated with several charitable funds and participated in their life on a regular basis, supporting low-income and large families, severe young patients, disabled children, orphanages and others in need.

We invite you to join us and we are ready for good deeds together!



“Izgelek” Voluntary fund