Highly qualified personnel is one of the vital and deciding factors, defining the effectiveness and success of our Company.
Our Company carries out programs and events aimed at creating optimal conditions for effective work of employees, providing social protection, recreational and medical service. We apply great effort to provide all our workers with decent and safe working conditions.
ART-Osnastka is a diverse company with 20 years of experience in development of technologies and equipment for drilling, casing, completion and hi-tech workover of oil and gas wells, as well as stimulation of oil production.
We offer our employees decent work conditions and we guarantee:
We are interested in working with young and promising specialists. Our Company cooperates with the leading educational institutions of the region and takes an active part in educational life of secondary and higher educational institutions. Every year students take internship at our Company, and each of them get an experienced mentor who shares knowledge and skills with the future specialists.
If you are a graduate and you are looking for a job, we offer you to start your career at ART-Osnastka.
Company workforce policy aims at achieving strategic goals, improving product quality, and living up to social and economic expectations, needs and interests of employees. When implementing the workforce policy, our Company pays special attention to personnel education and development, strengthening unified corporate culture and professional potential reach.
Many of our employees achieved great success in the Company and now take managerial positions. We invite specialists with different levels of experience and education who are ready to work and develop their professional skills with us.
You can apply for a job on the website https://ufa.hh.ru/employer/edit/simple or send your details to our e-mail ok@art-osnastka.ru.
Yes, we provide a free crew bus from distant Ufa districts.
Ufa, Dema district, Kraynaya st., 2, first floor. Office 102 - HR department.
Via phone +7 347-246-83-83 (add. 174, 143), +7 927-08-00-289 (Telegram, WhatsApp) or via e-mail ok@art-osnastka.ru.
If you want to work at our company but you couldn’t find a suitable vacancy, send your CV or email us to ok@art-osnastka.ru. ok@art-osnastka.ru