
ART-Osnastka —
Leading Russian developer of oilfield service technologies and manufacturer of oil and gas equipment

We are one of the key players in the Russian market of oilfield services in the sphere of development of technologies and technical means for drilling, casing, completion and hi-tech workover of oil and gas wells, as well as oil production stimulation.


Awards ceremony of the winners of “Exporter of the year” competition among small and medium business enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Awards ceremony of the winners of “Exporter of the year” competition among small and medium business enterprises of the Republic of Bashkortostan.


ART-Osnastka JSC is the winner of national competitions “The best goods of Bashkortostan-2023” and “The best quality management system”

ART-Osnastka JSC is the winner of national competitions “The best goods of Bashkortostan-2023” and “The best quality management system”


ART-Osnastka JSC is the winner of the Russian competition program “100 best goods of Russia”

ART-Osnastka JSC is the winner of the Russian competition program “100 best goods of Russia”


ART-Osnastka JSC is the winner of the district stage of the “Exporter of the year” competition

ART-Osnastka JSC is the winner of the district stage of the “Exporter of the year” competition


ART-Osnastka JSC is a participant of the national project «Labor productivity» and an expert for the journal «Dobyvaushaya promyshlennost»

ART-Osnastka JSC is a participant of the national project «Labor productivity» and an expert for the journal «Dobyvaushaya promyshlennost»


Explore and create, improve and implement - become part of ART-Osnastka JSC

Explore and create, improve and implement - become part of ART-Osnastka JSC


ART-Osnastka JSC is a diploma winner of the Bashkortostan Government prize in the sphere of quality


ART-Osnastka Joint-stock company

ART-Osnastka JSC was founded in 2004 in Ufa, and today it is a diverse research and production enterprise, taking leading positions in the Russian oil services market. The Company has done business in eight countries, and this impressive result was achieved due to professionalism and contribution of ART-Osnastka team. Owing to the accumulated experience and expertise over the years, the Company received the status of a reliable equipment manufacturer and service supplier, trusted by large Russian and foreign companies. The energy of existing accomplishments and sizes of new challenges give ART-Osnastka the main impetus to develop and move forward, and this process is irreversible.

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20 years

of experience in the oilfield services market

250 +

highly qualified specialists

10 k. m2

of production and storage facilities

24 /7

results data monitoring of the released products


Башмак прорабатывающий с поплавковым обратным клапаном и армированной направляющей насадкой ТИП 280

Мы являемся научно-производственным предприятием и в режиме 24/7 занимаемся разработкой новых продуктов и оптимизацией существующих. Для этого у нас есть целая команда опытных дизайнеров нефтегазового оборудования и собственный испытательный цех, оснащенный различными испытательными стендами


АРТ-Оснастка официальный лицензиат по нарезке премиальных резьбовых соединений TMK UP

АО «АРТ-Оснастка» активно сотрудничает с TMK Premium и является официальным лицензиатом по нарезке премиальных резьбовых соединений TMK UP. Наша компания регулярно расширяет линейку нарезаемых резьбовых соединений, анализируя потребности нефтесервисного рынка


Become a part of our team

ART-Osnastka is a large Russian company, manufacturing equipment for oilfield market and providing oilfield services. Highly qualified personnel is one of the vital and deciding factors, defining the effectiveness and success of the Company.

Our Company attends to skills development of our employees and provides them with everything necessary for career growth in the Company. We work for the common result, and our corporate values are based on team work, trusting and respectful relationship, and absence of discrimination. Our Company strives to create comfortable and safe working conditions, including different support programs for our employees.

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Goal, mission and values

The main condition for ART-Osnastka successful work is to fully meet the requirements and expectations of our customers and other interested parties of the oil and gas field by continuous quality improvement of the released products. 

Application of the newest technologies and materials in the process of product development and manufacture, availability of full independent production cycle and quality control system at all stages - all that has allowed ART-Osnastka to release hi-tech quality products as good as foreign counterparts for many years. 

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Certified for compliance with ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 by the international institution G-Certi.

Certified for STO Gazprom 9001:2018 standard requirement conformity.

Member of the Association of growth technological companies of the Russian Federation “National champions”

Laureate of the Russian competition program “100 best goods of Russia” in 2023.